
A must-read!!

I am so in love with the book - A year in the Merde. As soon as I finish it, I will by the next two books and read those too. It's simply hilarious!!


Unknown said...

oh, i read that book! Also i hv the following Merde Actually as well!! They are just soooo funny!

I bought the book in Paris actually about 1 and a half yrs ago, that was one of the English books i saw in the train station bookshop (was waiting for the train down to Toulouse)... :) Enjoy Paris and i ll see you soon!

Lily said...

I'm glad to hear that the next book is good too. I can't wait to buy the entire set. I hear that a 4th book will be out at some point this summer.

You probably related to the book even better than I since you were surrounded by Brits.