
Dive pictures from 11-5-13, including night dive

What a great night dive!  Lots of eels. 3 Tarpin followed us around. We had heard ahead of time that the tarpin here have become acclimated to hunting by night divers' light. I'm pretty sure this is bad as not only can you target fish for eating (by the tarpin) but they just end up swimming around you wherever you go.  We tried this out of course and watched one of the tarpin eat a little fish in one gulp. There was the little fish that got away - faster than the evil tarpin.  No octopus :(  Saw some lobsters and drumfish though.

Red Banded coral shrimp

I'm hiding, you can't see me.

Eel 1

Pederson Cleaner Shrimp

Eel 2

Eel 3

Adult lionfish

Arrow crab

Eel 4

Baby lionfish - probably should have killed it


Spiny lobster - finally


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