
ANA flight to Tokyo

This is my first flight on ANA - Japan's best airline (according to a Japanese friend). I have to say I'm impressed. The stewardesses are super nice and polite (and wear cute outfits). The entertainment selection is excellent. They don't nickel and dime you on food. In fact, it's really good for airline food. They even finish off the meal with personal Hagan-daaz ice cream. The seats are comfortable enough. I slept through the second meal service - I usually find they serve too much food on flights since you're sitting still or sleeping the whole time. It was really nice though that the stewardess knew that I slept through food service and offered me a tray when I awoke.
Overall, a fantastic option. I wonder where else I can go on ANA.
 Japanese meal on flight including miso soup finishing with ice cream
 Crossing the international date line
 View of NYC
View approaching Tokyo

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