
We went to the southern half of the island today for our diving.  First stop was Angel City. Upon descending into the water, we encountered 3 squids! How awesome is that? This is only the second time I’ve ever seen squid and these didn’t have to be chased down at top swimming speed. 

There are so many trumpetfish all around – big ones, baby ones, multicolored ones, all trying to blend into the coral.  We also saw lionfish and flamingo tongues.  The visibility is improving but still not ridiculously awesome in Bonaire fashion.

For our surface interval we visited the lighthouse at the southern tip of the island and the red slave huts. 

On our second dive, we went to Red Beryl We saw our first turtle – an adorable little green turtle.  We saw 2 scorpionfish and the yellowlegged something that I thought was a crab yesterday but now think may be a spider or something.  Any ideas?

We ended the evening with drinks and food by the ocean.

Boat dives tomorrow!

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