
Bari Reef and Ingridients

Dive #2 – Bari Reef. The sun had come out so the colors were better but the visibility still wasn’t up to Bonaire’s usual standard (which is – awesome!).  We had an amazing dive however.  Bari Reef is known for having more types of marine life than any other site in Bonaire.  It proved right.  We saw lionfish, scorpion fish, another octopus, a cool little worm, a tiny little crab with yellow feet, a shiny eel that I haven’t quite identified yet, and a variety of see cucumbers.  Unfortunately, no pictures as my camera did not charge properly but it is charging now and there should be some cool pics tomorrow.

We went to Ingridients for dinner.  For an appetizer we had bacon wrapped lionfish. They had a salt-encrusted sea bass and we had to have it. It was great. They even let me have the fish head J  They had amazing pina coladas – really little chuncks of pineapple – delicious!

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