
Bonaire dive day 4

It's a windy day like yesterday. We asked the recommendation at the dive shop for whether we should head north or south with the winds and they recommended north for less winds. We headed to Oil Slick and Jeff Davis Memorial. We decided on Jeff Davis first because it's a little deeper. The entry looked a little challenging as there were some steps down to the beach on some makeshift coral steps. But the entry looked ok with a sandy channel. We debated skipping it but decided to give it a go. Jeff Davis Memorial We were the only divers there. We decided not to swim to the buoy as it was far and just descend in front of the entry point. There was a pretty strong current but nothing we couldn't handle. We saw lots of schools of fish and there were little crops of coral to poke around. Nothing super special though. Just beautiful schools of fish. I wonder if this is just the reef coming back from bleaching events and the coral virus - though it's still around. Or maybe it's just baby fish season. We found our way to the buoy so backtracked to where we entered. All was well, we found our entry point. However, there were some unexpected rocks hidden in the sandy exit and we took a stumble. I also had some fin issue - it didn't want to come loose from my boot. This caused all this confusion. Ultimately, I took a wrong step and ended up twisting my ankle. I thought it was ok but when realized it was definitely a sprain. This ended our dives for the day. So, uncharacteristically, I have edited some of my underwater pictures already - due to propping my foot up. Enjoy!
I'm a queen (anglefish), I'm so regal.
spotted Moray - what's for lunch?
cute little guy
soapfish, not playing dead for once
Parrotfish shenanigans 
Matching fish
just resting
I can fly!
Hey little guy, do you know where the other fish went?
Captain Don's flag
Flamingo tongue
(hiding its spots)
trunking along (trunkfish)
here I come!
baby turtle!
juvenile French anglefish
Such an adorable balloonfish
lizarding here
porcupine fish

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! What’s the name of the fish next to the flag?