Yes, I went on a night dive last night and it was cool. No, I don't have pics yet. Maybe later today. On the night dive we saw a nurse sharks, tons of crabs and lobsters, and one fine octopus! it was at Ceder Point again. I still think night dives are mostly overrated but where else can you see an octopus?
This morning we went on 2 dives - Punta Sur and Punta Delila. Punta Sur was very far south and at the point of descent we saw 3 black tipped sharks! Not very big ones but still super cool. The rest of the dive was pretty chill with some cool swim throughs.
Between dives, we stopped at a sandy area where we saw a small flounder and a cool starfish.
On the second dive we saw a little cute turtle and lots of arrow crabs. There were some cool swim throughs, one where the divemaster tried to go down a dead end and had to redirect.
Later today, I took the catamaran out, by myself, and brought it back by myself too!! No need for a rescue tow! I was pretty proud of me. That was super fun.
Oh and one of my rainy day activities yesterday was painting one of their pre-made pottery. Photos to follow. Came out pretty well I think!
Adding to list of favorite things: getting in hot tub after diving in the rain - fantastic!
Also, blogging on the beach!
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