The first thing I noticed about the city was feeling small. (smaller than normal that is) The streets were much wider than elsewhere in Europe and the buildings appeared statelier and grander. Everything was also clean and white.
We were unsuccessful at visiting the Festung Hohensalzburg because the funicular was not working due to restoration activities and we weren't about the climb the high trek up to the castle. Instead, we took pictures from afar (lazy).
We walked around the main squares - Residenzplatz, Kapitelplatz, Domplatz, Mozartplaz and major cathedrals Dom, St. Peter, and the Mirabellgarden across the river. The old city was filled with friendly pedestrian streets and warm little shops.
We weren't the only ones trying to hide from the cold - apparently the austrians protect their fountains with pyramidal structures (at least the important fountains they don't want their young to stomp on with gusto during freezing times).
So let me tell you about Mozart balls - now, these are not some forensic urological entities, instead, they are these little chocolate cover balls filled with either pistachio or hazelnut marzipan and nougat. It is made by several makers but apparently the Furst family was first at it in the late 1800's. We had drinks at the Furst cafe (photo from earlier post) and learned this. I tried to buy some "original" Mozart balls from said cafe but the cashier girl would not have it. She was outraged that I had dared to touch one of these non-urological entities even though I was planning to purchase said entity. Well, no wonder I never bought anything from her. Perhaps her karma will be to choke on balls in her future...
I finally did find some Mozart balls to try and to buy. (worry not...)
Next task - dinner...
Some restaurant that looks like it collects Christmas trees.
After much meandering through the city (twice) we finally found a place we would dain to eat at. Sure, it still had multi-lingual translation of the menu but it looked super cute. We had some white beer, spinach balls, weiner schnitzel, and this ridiculous dessert called Salzburg Nockler which is like a ile flotante with raspberry sauce instead of custard. It was immense and we only accomplished 2/3 of the mission - failure! I also had this awesome dessert wine at the end of the meal. All in all, an excellent end to the day.
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