Arrival - that was an ordeal!! Direct flight, on time, what else could you ask for right? Well, how about NOT standing in line at immigration for 4 hours?!? Literally, we landed at 4pm and did not get to car rental until 9pm. Apparently, the combination of a national holiday and new computer program lead to a complete breakdown of the immigration process. The room was so packed many people took pictures/videos of the room. It was insane!! Then after the immigration line, there was the insane search for our bags which had all be taken off the conveyor belts and formed little islands throughout the room. Then of course was the customs line...
So we didn't get to our hotel until after 11 I think. We were so exhausted we didn't even have dinner. Oh, plus my rental car totally sucks - no power steering!
Today we got up early to head over to the dive shop to get set up so we could do 2 ocean dives this morning. That was the plan at least. But apparently there's monster winds in Mexico right now and no diving/swimming allowed. It's ok, we dove anyway - in the cenotes - underground river caves. It was a really cool experience. There weren't any pretty fish to see but there were stalactites and stalagmites (however those are spelled). In addition, the view of openings where the light peers through is amazing. There is also the weird refractory phenomenon of where the freshwater mixes with the salt water - if undisturbed, it's just a line, but usually you see the blurring/mixing of the 2 and everything goes blurry. Very weird.
The rest of the day was spent chilling by the pool and the ocean. The high winds were great for lying by the water as they kept me cool as I listened to the crashing waves and read on my kindle.
The resort I'm staying in is massive!! It's a 3-part resort with >10 restaurants and 3 trolley systems. I'm not sure if it's really my thing but the beach is beautiful and the pools are great, not to mention the great all-inclusive deal!
We're going to take a day off from diving tomorrow and maybe take in some ruins. The weather forecast predicts that the ocean will be good for diving on Tuesday - keep fingers crossed!
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