It was a fantastic last dive day though.
Our first dive site was the Hilma Hooker - a boat sunk off shore for the purpose of diving. I'm not into boats but went along anyway. As expected, a boat- not too special, for me, but, before surfacing, I saw a jellyfish!! We tried to chase after it but it was just so damn fast. I got a couple distant pictures only. But still totally cool, I've only ever seen 1 jellyfish before this and that was at night.
Our second dive as a last dive suggestion by the hotel people - Margate Bay - a site we had never dove before. It was incredibly beautiful. The coral was great and aplenty and there were so many fish there. That would have been a great dive if only for that, but we saw a turtle!! It was a 3-4 ft hawksbill and it swam very slowly so we could get up close to it and swim with it for a while. ery cool.
On our last dive, we went to something special - that's the site where the bonaire underwater divecam is. We went and waved at the camera but probably no one is looking at night. We saw lots of eels, and arrow crabs, and even got to intently study a spotted snake eel hunting for food in the sand. There was only 1 tarpon tis time less scary.
All in all, a great day.
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