last bonaire post
My pictures are up on kodakgallery. If I forgot to email you a link to that, just let me know by email.
Till next time...
total dive hours
5-23-09 last day :(
Today, I spent the morning chilling on the deck with occasional pop-ins in the pool. That was very relaxing and happy-making. Then we had lunch in town. Walter rented a scooter for the afternoon and I went back to the national park for a drive through and more pictures of the flamingos (sorry, pictures taken with my land camera cannot be uploaded until I return to the US). Apparently, Walter was right, off-roading is fun, when I'm the one driving! It's especially cool to look back in the rearview and see the dust behind you. Gives meaning to "eat my dust". While driving through the park, i saw many cool birds, including the Bonairean parrot, a huge iguana in the road (which I stopped for of course), great views of the coastline, and of course flamingos - which is the whole reason i went. I took a ridiculous number of flamingo pictures.
Then I came back the hotel, did some more lie on dock, dunk in pool, repeat cycle.
I was supposed to meet Walter for drinks on an oceanfront bar to watch the sunset, but due to miscommunication, that didn't happen. We did have dinner there. the food was ok, but the view was great, and it was great to have the ocean breeze the whole time.
Now I am back on the dock of our hotel watching fish swim.
Another great thing about this dock is the viewing of pelicans and other birds as they dive for fish. they are amazingly accurate and fast. Speaking of fast, I never knew that iguanas could run super fast,but I saw it today and was thoroughly impressed.
More photos to come...
5-22-09 dives
It was a fantastic last dive day though.
Our first dive site was the Hilma Hooker - a boat sunk off shore for the purpose of diving. I'm not into boats but went along anyway. As expected, a boat- not too special, for me, but, before surfacing, I saw a jellyfish!! We tried to chase after it but it was just so damn fast. I got a couple distant pictures only. But still totally cool, I've only ever seen 1 jellyfish before this and that was at night.
Our second dive as a last dive suggestion by the hotel people - Margate Bay - a site we had never dove before. It was incredibly beautiful. The coral was great and aplenty and there were so many fish there. That would have been a great dive if only for that, but we saw a turtle!! It was a 3-4 ft hawksbill and it swam very slowly so we could get up close to it and swim with it for a while. ery cool.
On our last dive, we went to something special - that's the site where the bonaire underwater divecam is. We went and waved at the camera but probably no one is looking at night. We saw lots of eels, and arrow crabs, and even got to intently study a spotted snake eel hunting for food in the sand. There was only 1 tarpon tis time less scary.
All in all, a great day.
we also did 2 dives. The first dive was pretty good, and the second dive would have been a total bust except for about 25 min into it, Walter saw a HUGE turtle. I'm still not sure what kind it is yet (need to look that up on Saturday). It was awesome. Must have been at 5 ft long and was so old it had barnacles on its back. Makes me think of the super old turtle in Finding Nemo :)
We did a night dive also at Angel City and it was very beautiful terrain. We saw an octopus and many camera-shy eels - weird really because all the eels I had seen before were not camera shy. Hence no eel pix from night dive.
I just love sitting here on the dock at night enjoying the ocean breeze, watching planes land and boats go by while blogging about it on my EEE. How could life get any better than this?
For dinner tonight, we went to Mona Lisa where I heard that if they have sushi, it's caught fresh that morning. Of course we had the sushi. Actually it was a four-course meal composed of fresh tuna with wasabi, shrimp cappucino, barracuda and lobster, and homemade mango cheesecake with strawberry sorbet. It was an incredible meal!! The tuna was super fresh. The shrimp cappucino was a shrimp bisque with a shrimp foam, very nicely done. The barracuda was very tasty and the lobster well cooked. THe cheesecake is ridiculously awesome!! It totally melts in the mouth and was so light it could have floated away, and even the sorbet was to die for. Overall, a wonderful day!
5-20-09 after dark
FYI - as I'm sitting here on the dock enjoying the evening breeze and internet connection, I just saw some fireworks in town. How cool! They just lasted a minute but still very cool.
Our night dive was great as usual, except for freaky tarpons of course. Now that I know there are so many of them and how shallow they swim, I'm looking down in the water around the dock and see many of them. I don't like them they should be banned from my night dives.
Apparently I was wrong about this whole last day of diving tomorrow thing. Guess I got myself an extra day w/o even knowing it. Friday should be last day diving.
Here are some pictures from today:
Today we did a dive at Oil Slick Leap. I wonder if it was just eel spawning season recently because we've been seeing an inordinant number of baby eels on this trip. Not many lobsters though. Wonder why. I'm still in search of the perfect picture of a flamingo tongue and blennies. Didn't see a lot of new cool stuff today but it was still a great dive.
Our original plan was to do our second dive at the national reserve park at the Northern tip of the island. However, we were twarted by the forces that may be. We arrived there at 2;43 and the dude there explained that last entry as at 2;45 and that we'd have to stay ahead of the patrol truck. As he was explaining the route to take the patrol truck snuck by us and the park entrance was officially closed!! How crazy is that??
On the way back from there, we saw a gabillion flamingos. I took some pix and tried to take some videos of them taking flight (which was really beautiful because they all took off together when we approached too closely and they make cool formations in the sky) but of course had issues with the video function of my camera again. Sorry...
We were planning to get in a second dive today before the night dive but we were both too exhausted so we had to take an afternoon nap to regroup. But now I'm awake and ready for more underwater fun.
More pictures coming soon.
Oh, today we were discussing how cool it would be to rent a boat, we'd be able to dive at Klein Bonaire and cruise around the area. And it would be extra economically sound if we had a 3rd person, maybe someone named Ellen, if she came... We miss you Ellen.
I keep forgetting about Bonaire being Dutch and am always surprised when the neighbors are speaking in Dutch, esp if they're speaking to me in Dutch.
2 more awesome dives today. One more to go - night dive tonight at Salt Pier.
On one of our dives today we saw a tiny little turtle!! Could not have been more than a foot long. He was adorable as he was poking around for food. Of course I have pics and video.
Our night dive was wicked cool. We saw an octopus, totally chilling out. It was at a pier so we got to see the pillars holding up the pier and all the stuff encrusted on it. It was cool. There tiny red crabs, tons of that kind of starfish that hugs coral. We saw soooo many different types of eels today. It was a bit ridiculous. a bunch of arrow crabs. Totally awesome dive. Loving it!!!
videos - sorry, none due to technical dificulties]
5-18-09 Day 2 in Bonaire
After our night dive, an interesting thing happened. The city lost electricity. Well, most of the city, a couple restaurants seemed to have generators. And the airport seems all electrified up. But we were without light and were forced to get dinner in town instead of cooking at hone as we had planned (bought lots of food at the supermarket today). After dinner, I came back and laid by the ocean and watched the stars. It was beautiful. There are always plenty of stars to be seen when on one of these tropical islands but without the hotel lights, i could see star systems between the stars, at least that's what it looked like, maybe I was hallucinating :). But in any case, very peaceful and beautiful,, staring at stars and listening to the ocean waves, and feeling the refreshing ocrean breeze.
Day 1 - morning dive + afternoon dive
After diving, we drove into the city for nourishment. We had lunch at Watta Burger (how fitting), and it was very yummy, surely enhance by our hunger.
Then after lazying around a bit at the hotel we headed off to our second dive at Pink Beach. This time, no mask issues, and I was getting the hang of the camera setup. We saw many eels, tiny baby ones to big intimidating ones, a gimpy turtle with a bite taken out of his shell (he looks like he'll make it though, he's a fighter), scorpion fish, and sea cucumbers, and a tiger's tail. A very excellent dive. And the on shore, we chased after a flamingo (it was better than us though).
Here are some pictures for your enjoyment. Sorry I haven't had a chance to fix them up yet, no good editing software on my EEE.
I have arrived, a bit tired, but nothing some cold water and
some nourishment can't fix.
Our plane landed around 4:30 AM and we napped for a couple hours until our dive orientation. Now we've got our dive gear, a map of dive sites, and are ready to go! (Well, still waiting for the car to get here.)
I think it's time for a morning dip in the poo!