As a recovering laundry-phobe, I will give some tips. If in doubt, always chose the lowest temperature setting possible! I know they try to entice you into choosing a higher temperature since the dial goes all the way up to 95 degrees C but you must resist. 30 = warm, 20 = cold.

It's very tempting to think, warm must half-way between hot and cold - thus halfway between 95 and 30. But really, 62C = 144F!! And 95C, who does that? Who would want to boil their clothes? Maybe it's a leftover fear from the bubonic plague, or perhaps they would like to make their own sterile dressings in case the pharmacies go on strike.
PS - guy with plastic bag: While I was putting in my laundry, a fellow inhabitant of the building came over to tell me it was his sac (plastic bag from the supermarket). This was the sac I put all the laundry that was still the dryer for the past 2 hours at least and I had found the sac on the ground next to the machine, thus it's not so far-fetched to think someone had used the bag to bring the clothing over and had left it to bring the clothes back later. So, instead of taking the clothes out and putting them on a random chair, I put them in the bag. Well, Mr. plastic bag spends the next 10 min speaking to about how the bag is his. I explained the situation and how it was only natural for me to assume the bag belonged to the proprietor of the clothing in the dryer. Well, ok, he was about to dump out the laundry onto the said chair, then he noticed a hole on the bottom. Sacre bleu!! Un trou!! Well, that's it, no more bag for him and he leaves in a bit of a puff. But really though, it's just a plastic bag!!
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