2/14/17 - Dive 1 Angel City, Dive 2 Bari's Reef
We had a great dive at Angel City and the double reef system there. We so so many porcupinefish (my favorite because of their puppy dog eyes and their little constant smile - really hard to take a picture of that smile). There were tons of schools of fish and the terrain was just very pretty. I was looking out for creature in the sandy areas but didn't find any.
Bari's Reef was good and so simple because we just walked right off the pier in front of Den Laman. We saw a couple porcupinefish again, a spotted snake eel, an arrow crab hiding in some coral and a big fat black sea cucumber.
So many porcupinefish today!
Stoplight parrotfish |
Arrow crab
So many cowfish and trunfish today! |
Snake eel
Baby trunkfish |
Sea cucumber
Curious Iguana after dive
2/15/17 - Dive 1 Andrea II, Dive 2 Something Special, Dive 3 Pink Beach
Dive 1 - I spent the whole time looking for seahorses (because this couple said they had seen 3) but came up empty :( I did see a lot of trunkfish and filefish and a drumfish.
Dive 2 - Something Special is always a great dive. The colors and coral are just great. There were so many shrimp some even accidentally ended up in some of my photos. I saw my favorite shrimp - the Pederson Cleaning Shrimp. As I was trying to point it out to my dive buddy, a fish tried to take a bite out of my finger - can you believe that ?! It was a small fish too. What was it thinking? Then immediately afterwards, we saw a tiny spotted moray eel swim out in the open and then disappear into coral (too fast for a photo). We saw a second drumfish.
Dive 3 - This was an afternoon dive. The afternoon sun make the colors really vibrant. I saw a peacock flounder swimming out in the open - first time I've seen it so far off the sand (maybe 2 feet) - it was cool to watch it move. We also saw a big baracuda and the largest trumpetfish I've ever seen (maybe 3-4 ft?).
Filefish |
Cool looking anemone with hidden shrimp |
Funny looking anemone with Pederson Cleaning Shrimp
Butterflyfish posing
Drumfish |